
Blello Tv
A safe place to learn about making the right choices, having fun along the way!

Code Avengers
A fun way to learn to code websites,
apps, games and more.
Fun for parents
and Kids

OAT The Goat
An online digital animated story book which helps children see the surprising power of kindness

Kiwikids News
A news website with heaps of great content, specifically designed for New Zealand schools and students.
Helpful Articles
For Parents
Would you like to know more about protecting your family online?
Safe Surfer has a number of insightful articles dealing with the issues facing young people today, including:
- Online bullying
- Consent
- Sharing information
- Inappropriate content
Protect Your
Protect all computers and devices connected to your home with
the Safe Surfer Lifeguard.

Internet safety
We feature the ability to block specific websites, along with providing 50+ main categories and over 20 sub-categories that give you control over what can be accessed, whether its groups of websites or even the latest platforms and games!